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Send Text | Send Free SMS Mauritius

No Registration, No hassle. Text Free for development and testing.

  1. Got to
  2. Select a country from the drop down list.
  3. Enter Recipient number in the box.
  4. Enter SMS message that you want to send. Do not send TEST messages. You'll use your daily quota and it will not go through.
  5. To View replies click Replies. Understand, this is a shared number and there can be replies from multiple people. Don't send any sensitive information.
  6. All SMS with Offensive Language will automatically be filtered by the system.
  7. Verified recipient of SMS will be provided with more details about sender if they request for more info.

I acknowledge that I'm responsible for this SMS and receiver can request details including my IP address.
View Replies

Send SMS to Mauritius

  1. Send SMS to any mobile number in Mauritius.
  2. You can send upto 10 SMS everyday.
  3. NO registration and hassle signing up.
  4. Instant delivery with highest quality network.
  5. Send SMS anonymously.