SMS de vérification pour 613-662-xxxx .

Date et heure Nombre Message
Offer Apply Now
2019-05-20 13:23:04 613-662-xxxx What
2019-05-20 13:33:07 613-662-xxxx Who are you?
2019-05-20 13:35:40 613-662-xxxx How did you get my number?
2019-05-20 13:35:58 613-662-xxxx How tall are you?
2019-05-20 13:36:00 613-662-xxxx Male?
2019-05-20 13:36:23 613-662-xxxx From Cornwall?
2019-05-20 13:38:33 613-662-xxxx It is weird.
2019-05-20 13:40:21 613-662-xxxx How old?
2019-05-20 13:55:41 613-662-xxxx HOW DID YOU GET MY NUMBER?
2019-05-20 14:02:44 613-662-xxxx I would just like to know who is giving my number out?
2019-05-20 14:09:00 613-662-xxxx Have we ever met in person?
2019-05-20 14:12:26 613-662-xxxx Lmfao
2019-05-20 14:12:36 613-662-xxxx I am blunt to a fault
2019-05-20 14:13:28 613-662-xxxx Have we ever met in person?
2019-05-20 14:14:05 613-662-xxxx Hum
2019-05-20 14:14:21 613-662-xxxx Are you currently single?
2019-05-20 14:14:47 613-662-xxxx Proper grammar and all. That is not.
2019-05-20 14:14:49 613-662-xxxx Hot*
2019-05-20 14:17:34 613-662-xxxx Possibility if you are ever single.
2019-05-20 14:17:50 613-662-xxxx I refuse to be a second option.
2019-05-20 14:18:40 613-662-xxxx Just break up with your gf/wife. You are clearly not happy. Js.
2019-05-20 14:27:03 613-662-xxxx An attached secret admirer.......story of my fucking life
2019-05-20 14:27:20 613-662-xxxx No offense